"If you don't want the truth, avert your eyes."- Hannah L.

Monday, December 14, 2009


  Well sorry guys that I haven't updated this in awhile. Oh, my bad. There is no one following this. I mean, who would want to follow my stupid story anyway? That's right. No one. So today was the worst day (kinda) ever. This girl (I won't mention names, just in case someone I know does read this) Well Anyway, this girl stopped bein my friend because she thinks I don't know her and that I was "weird and annoying". I'd like to see her petition that and see how many agree with her [none]. Today I was about to get dressed out for gym and I saw that she had gotten the same new phone as me. Of course, I didn't care because she had tried to add me the night before on facebook and I ignored and bloced her because she had already done that once and I asked why and she said it was because she was friends with people on facebook that she didn't like in real life. So I was like "Whatever, screw you. Blocked." So anyway, I called Steph over and was like "Guess who has the same phone as me"
"You want to know what she said this morning in choir?" By this point I was pretty interested because it was the "person" that had said to not talk about each other ever again. So I nodded. "Well, she was like 'Hannah always has to have whatever her friends have. She totally copied off of me [which is a total lie because I haven't even talked to her in three weeks]. She got her laptop because Sara had one [I got my laptop as a Christmas present from my parents and I didn't even ask for it]. And she got her DS because Fantasia had one [Well guess what, blondie? I don't even play it anymore and I had my DS long before I knew Fantasia]."
I slammed my locker and quickly made my way to the nurse's office before I did anything rash. I wasn't going anywhere else; I hate talking to people other than my geometry teacher or Stephi. Those are the only two people I feel like maybe I can count on, people I know will try and do their best to help me. I laid down in the nurse's office for about ten minutes and went back to gym (which I had with the person) but luckily people had split between the two gyms and she was in the other one. I had to go somewhere because I honestly was about to scream at her or throw things or something.

 So that was my morning. Not to mention when I tried to talk to one of my best friends about it after school, she didn't say anything. She didn't care. She hasn't even noticed me for the past three weeks. She never hangs out with me becaus she's "studying" which she never does. SO I've decided I'm going to my grandparents' house every weekend from now on. I'll try to mobile blog.

But, let me ask you, what the heaven have I done to deserve this?

Best regards to everyone else and hopefully a Merry Christmas,

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