"If you don't want the truth, avert your eyes."- Hannah L.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


  Today....Was a tad bit of a stressful day, at certain points. Before I continue I would like to take the time to say... Why am I even writing this?! No one is looking at it! I guess it's just something to do. But, anyway, at least today was semi-fractionally better than yesterday. It started out... my throat hurt. My Mom bought me a sunny-D at the gas station that I didn't finish until homeroom. Then second hour *sigh*. Well, my orchestra teacher is a flake. No one in the building likes him. NO ONE. My friend...(well I'm not really sure about that address nowadays) she quit because of him. I only continue because of my viola. I love playing music; it's like...It's honestly like an award board that you need to fill up with experience and years. It's great. Third hour was boring. I think I fell asleep because I woke up and Fatima was urging me to get up before I was late. Not like my geometry teach would care anyway, but still. I was a punctual person and it bugged me if that happened. Well, anywho, I was in a neutral mood in geometry, but it got better. That class always cheers up, but today an aquaintance I knew for a very long time of whom I used to be really close to, decided to get me all ruffled up and stuff so then I ended up being mad and I snapped at Steph who was already having a bad day. I felt bad about it, to say the least. So of course, I couldn't get it out of mind. Honestly, Steph is my only true friend I can definitely count on up here. The following hour, SAGE, was okay. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. Just neutral. But I had a lot of things on my mind. My throat was sore (still is at 10:15). Iw anted to go home, knowing I couldn't until Friday. So I silently talked to Madeleine (another great friend I can almost always count on-for those of you keeping track, that's two) at lunch but she sometimes turned around and talked to the popular girls. That was fine with me, as long as I wasn't completely abandoned. After fifth hour, I was about to collapse. Mrs. Williamson was in a good, jolly mood with minimal yelling (yay for my ears). I passed notes with another good friend, Maha. Mrs. Williamson was always turned around at her computer, so we had no issues there. But I found out my best friend that's been ignoring me is totally ignoring her along with the aquaintance I mentioned earlier. So they're like bff's and nobody else. Maha and I were discussing how it was only going to get worse and how we didn't care. Then, as an extra bonus, Mrs. Williamson passed out candy canes at the end of that hour. Weird, I had thought. But oh well. Good, nonetheless. Seventh hour English was when I had my perspective-changing ephiphany. Other than the three good friends I had, I needed new ones. Seriously. Time for change. So I started talking to Jamie George a lot more. I felt bad because my best friend who decided I was a pebble on her road, had called her a raccoon because she wears a lot of eyeliner. I knew it wasn't right but when you're with the girl, you have ot agree or the silent treatment sentence is in effect. The silence treatment was like a death sentence to me. So I always apologized, even if I did nothing wrong, to avoid it at all costs. I'm not going to be like that anymore. No more push-over Hannah. No freaking way. I've learned my lesson. So, eighth hour which was my second favorite class (under geometry), was easy. Test day. Steph explained why she had given me a small silent treatment today in geometry and how I made it worse because she had had the previous hour that morning with _____ (the girl who talks about me) and how Steph disliked her a lot. I couldn't agree more, Stephi, seriously. I handed in my test right after Steph and we both read and laughed at Lucian, the total weirdo but completely hilarious genius that's not even five feet tall. My day had much improved by then and I was ready to live my short life and forget (like Maha had mentioned earlier, I much respected her for that). The Lovely Bones is a great book. Then after school, I practiced my viola for more than hour, as I always do out of self-motivation, read, slept, and went to my godmother's twins' band concert at Northgate. I saw my old friend from Lakewood, Alex Spoon, whom I've known since kindergarten but haven't talked to since fifth grade. I talked to his mom but I was a little late in finding him. Then I went home and read, took my shower, read some more, and here I am.

There I was,
Sleep tight, munchkins of Earth,


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