"If you don't want the truth, avert your eyes."- Hannah L.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Insomniatic...Part Two

I had to show off my new signature, for one, and for two, it's that time again, folks (whatever folks there are)!The Insomniac Chronicles 2. I know it's not as late as my last, but I actually am fairly tired and I wanted to get this out of the way since my parents are asleep. It's 11:14. It's a school night. It's a Tuesday, soon to be Wednesday.
I'm not at my desk, so you'll have to settle for bed pics instead.
First off, I would like to show off my new phone, which is the Samsung Highlight I mentioned in an earlier episode of this. So here it is (by the way, it's a touchscreen and this is the phone I talked about yesterday when _____ said that I copied her. As my geometry teach would say, "Ugh. Eighth grade girls." I respect that.

As I said earlier today, I'm reading a book called, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It's a movie now but I wanted to read it first.

Right now, I'm drinking Dr. Pepper. But I don't care. Not one bit because I make good grades and if someone wants to oh, let's say for theatrical reference, bitch about it, I'll pull out my reportcard and wave it in their sorry face. (As you can tell, I'm in my normal sarcastic mood)

At night, I usually have bursts of writing that I have to write down. Absolutely, positively have to write down. I used to just stealthly grab random pieces of copy machine paper and scribble the incoherent letters down. My latest work is a piece called "Crystal Stars". I was looking out my window Sunday night and I saw a bright star (but, as I've always known, it's not a star, it's Venus. DUH). I thought it was extremely, utterly, heartbreakingly beautiful and it reminded me of crystal and how it could shatter with just one mistake of the universe. And there I had it. But, of course, I'm not finishing it. It was just a random thing. If you want a finished short story or two (woo!) go here: http://www.inkpop.com/projects/5212/the-gray-forest/. That's a short story I wrote on a snow day last week as I watched the snow gently ascend from the heaven above. http://www.inkpop.com/projects/5327/lie-for-you/ That's a short story I wrote while listening to my favorite band in the whole wide world, Muse. I might make it into a longer story at some point but lazy inkpoppers are making it hard to judge whether it's well-written or not. So, if you're faithfully reading this right now, I suggest you E-mail me and tell me your thoughts and critique.

Sweet dreams munchkins! (look at my new sig! made it myself, along with "Lie For You"'s cover :)

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